Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's a date

Most of these are now in the class calendar but I'm listing them here for your info. We need to assign teams to the Guest Visits and Student Led Class Discussions. Teams will get one of each. Let's do that in class on Monday.

Due Dates for 396 Writing Projects:
Book Review - October 9
Multimedia Project - November 6
Final Project - December 15

Guest Visits Where Teams Will Interview (Apart from the interview itself teams will need to produce a script of questions in advance and a summary of the discussion afterwards).
1. College CIOs - Sept 30, noon till 12:50
2. Deans Watkins and DeBrock - October 7, some time after noon till we're done.
3. Campus Coordinator for Programs on Teaching and Learning - November 11, 1 - 1:50.
4. Director Writer's Workshop - not yet scheduled, late October or early November.
5. Other Guest, not yet invited. Does the class have a preference?

Student Led Class Discussion (This will be for a 50 minute segment segment, typically starting at noon. A lesson plan must be produced ahead of time. )
1. Bruner on Readiness for Learning - September 16
2. Bruner on Motivation - September 21
3. Argyris on Double Loop Learning - September 23
4. Drucker Chapters 1-3 - September 28
5. Drucker on non-Profits - October 5

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